Answers To Common Questions About Ocean Climate Changes

9 February 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

If you are concerned about the impact of climate changes on the ocean, it is important to understand that there are many different aspects of this issue that are not often discussed. And they need to be.  For instance, the higher temperatures that have been verified throughout the world in recent years have been mirrored in increased temperatures within the ocean. In addition, you may be shocked to learn that there is now more water in the oceans than there was just a few years ago due--at least in part--to those higher temperatures. Since both of those issues impact life within the ocean, it is crucial for every well-informed person to be aware of the following answers to common questions about ocean climate change

Why Worry About Ocean Climate Change? 

It is first necessary to understand how disastrous the situation can be. For instance, many different creatures live exclusively in frozen areas, such as around the Arctic Ocean and Antartica. Because global warming has caused the average temperatures throughout the world to raise in recent years, those icy areas that creatures like the Polar Bear live in are rapidly melting and expanding the oceans. As the ice melts, it enters and expands the ocean, which can then impact the rest of the world's oceans and raise their water to unsafe levels. In turn, coastal areas are at an increased risk of flooding.  

While the ice melting is a common phenomenon, when the ice does not reform because of higher water and air temperatures, those animals lose their land and must compete with other creatures for rapidly diminishing resources. Therefore, there is less food for those animals and obtaining it is harder, which means that many animals will then be at increased risk of extinction.   

Isn't More Water A Good Thing?

In what could be one of the more ironic challenges, just as many areas are experiencing record droughts, icecaps are melting and the oceans are expanding. However, drought-plagued communities need fresh water and excluding parts of the Arctic and Antarctic oceans, the oceans are filled with salt water. Treating salt water to make it usable by humans and transporting the huge amounts of water that are needed for those areas is both impractical and prohibitively expensive.   

Therefore, the ever-expanding oceans are not and cannot be made useful for areas that experience excessive or frequent droughts without spending enormous amounts of money.

In conclusion, ocean climate changes are occurring at a terrifying rate and the repercussions from those issues can be disastrous in the coming years. Therefore, it is a good idea for everyone to be familiar with the questions and answers shared above. 
